We are in a constant struggle and in recent decades has shown promising advances against cancer disease. Million people a year are still dying for this cause, and many scientists have devoted themselves to solve the above-called
enigmas of this disease; today already solved riddles investigations are dedicated to finding a cure.
In this international week of the fight against cancer, we would like to dedicate this space to our courageous fighters and Cancer patients who survived and have their story to tell. They want one way or another to communicate their story and their experiences. As everyone agrees that prevention is to have a backup of life it is a very favorable alternative. Here their stories:
1c02Carolina L .: I am a lawyer and used to work hard to help my colleagues and resolve all possible cases in criminal matters. Always visited prisons to provide consultation prisoners often were innocent or many of them have family problems that led them to commit petty crimes and then came to these prisons with real criminals and became criminals high-risk themselves. It was a situation of madness that always caught my attention. Adrenaline motivated me to keep working and working. I graduated at age 23 and when I realized it was time to start a family and was 35 years old. They were relationships that none served and I went disappointingly of each of the candidates who came into my life to have a relationship. And one day I decided to freeze my eggs. I read some interesting articles about preserving germ cells by freezing and it was what I decided to do. I thought the find would use as the candidate. But what they found in me was a huge breast tumor. My grandmother had the same but did not think I could happen. Then I read a lot more and I found out that the disease runs in my family and came from the same genetic genetics of my grandmother and mother, so I had much chance of getting the disease. But no one had told me this before. There is information that my gynecologist gave me. I just read an article and so it was that when I got the news because I knew to do. I had to fulfill myself several chemotherapies and my doctors told me that a side effect would be sterile immediately. Then I understood everything. I understood that the freeze my eggs was a sign from God.
Gregory T .: I am an electrical engineer and I have 26 years. I have my regular partner and started looking children. I had to go to the doctor because I was asked to fulfill myself a semen and some tests where everything went wrong. I was then referred to a urologist and was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The doctor asked me start with chemotherapies immediately but first to freeze my semen because this procedure would leave me probably sterile. I froze my cum luckily and started my chemotherapy. Everything went well and my wife became pregnant with IUI. Those days met in the waiting room many patients suffering from the same but no one had advised them to freeze their semen. I thought it saved me from having to use a sperm donor to have frozen in time. What a relief. God pays the doctor who advised me to freeze my semen and thanks to science that helped me have my son who is now 3 years.
Y. 1c03Sandra: I have 39 years and would like to share my story with you. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer chemotherapies and start immediately. It was not advisable to use hormones because tumors feed on them. I started researching and I knew the freezing of ova and embryos. I went to a clinic where I was advised that I could freeze my embryos but required a hormone preparation that could worsen my cancer and it was my decision to do it or not. So I decided to go ahead and undergo hormone stimulation and we freeze embryos in December with my husband. The next day I started with chemotherapies and the doctor told me cancer had worsened. But every day I prayed to God for my improvement and because my kids were there waiting for me. So I steeled myself to do it and started to improve. Doctors were impressed with me. Every month spoke with the doctors of Fertiaguerrevere to tell he was getting better and please look after my babies. They told me that they were there waiting for me. Even once I went to visit and I wanted to tell you about my improvement. After nearly two years, my doctor told me I was ready to try it and I did, I put my embryos. I got pregnant and I have two beautiful babies.
Log tree is a mom after beating cancer and want them to know that I am a fighter and you have to learn that from me. Thanks to all my doctors and Fertiaguerrevere for all the advice and hours spent with me. The doctors love you.
Rosa B .: When no one told me I had cancer that was, as was the disease, treatment side effects brought far I was told it would be sterile after treatment. I went through 15 chemotherapies and three years later found the ideal partner to marry and have children. We tried for a year and then went to a fertility specialist. My shock was hearing that chemotherapy had the side effect of infertility in women. That woman is born with the eggs to be used in all our lives and that if we submit to that amount of chemicals these eggs die. I could not understand or process it. It was a tragedy for me. That injustice not to have heard of this and nobody ever I have mentioned. Not many doctors know this or not say. It took two more years to digest this condition. However, after I talked a lot with my husband we decided to use an egg donor to feel the baby inside me. I was pregnant and now have a beautiful baby that I feel is mine. immensely grateful to the donor egg in helping me make my dream of being a mother reality.1c04En Fertiaguerrevere we have many cases and beautiful stories or some sad but full of courage. Congratulations to all patients who choose to fight and supported with their germ cells. Life situations can change dramatically from one day to another. The important thing is to fight and not give up. As our patients have achieved your dreams you can too. It's all about attitude.
All fight for this cause and we will offer support to these patients need both. We have the Oncofetal Foundation is dedicated to providing life support to patients with cancer. If you want to make your donation you can write through info@fertiaguerrevere.com