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General information on male breast cancer


Male breast cancer is a disease in the cells of malignant cancer in tissues (breast prosthesis).
High exposure to radiation, estrogen levels and a family history of breast cancer may increase the risk for a man who has this type of cancer.
Male breast cancer is sometimes by mutations (changes) inherited genetic causes.
Men with breast cancer are generally much which can be felt.
In order to detect (find) and diagnose is the test of male breast cancer to consider used breasts.
If the cancer is detected, the test is performed in order to study cancer cells.
For men with cancer survival is similar among women with cancer even survival.
Certain factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.
Male breast cancer is a disease in the cells of malignant cancer in tissues (breast prosthesis).

Breast cancer can occur in men of all ages, but generally detected (found) men's 60 to 70 years. Male breast cancer represents less than 1% of the cases of this cancer.

You can find the following types of male breast cancer:

Infiltrating ductal carcinoma: cancer that has spread outside of the cells lining the channels of the breast. It is little most men with breast cancer.
DCIS: abnormal cells are found in the wall of a channel. also called Intraductal carcinoma.
Inflammatory breast cancer: cancer of the breast looks red and swollen and feel the warm appearance.
Paget's disease of the nipple: a tumor that grew from ducts under the nipple to the surface.
Carcinoma lobular in situ (abnormal cells discovered in one of the lobes or parts of the chest) also sometimes occurs in women but has not been observed in men.

Male breast Ampliaranatomia; the drawing shows the nipple and areola, body fat, conduit, lymph nodes, sides, and muscle.
The male's chest Anatomy: Anatomy of the male chest above the nipple, areola, adipose tissue, and channels. It displays also near the lymph nodes, the ribs, and muscles.
High exposure to radiation, estrogen levels and a family history of breast cancer may increase the risk for a man who has this type of cancer.

Anything that increases the risk of the disease is called a risk factor. Have a risk factor does not mean that you are suffering from cancer. not a risk factor does not mean that it will not cancer suffer. Ask your doctor if you think you might be at risk. Risk factors for male breast cancer include the following:

Exposed to radiation.
Danger related to high levels of estrogen in the body, such as cirrhosis (liver disease) or Klinefelter syndrome (genetic disorder).
Have several female relatives who have had breast cancer, especially parents who have a change in the gene BRCA2 cancer.
Male breast cancer is sometimes by mutations (changes) inherited genetic causes.

Genes in cells carry hereditary information received from the parents of a person. Inherited from the accounts of the breast for about 5-10% of cases of this cancer. Certain genes with mutations linked to breast cancer are more common among some ethnic groups. Men who have a mutated gene associated with breast cancer are at an increased risk for this disease.

There are tests that detect (find) the mutation of genes. Sometimes, these genetic tests may be members of the same family with a high risk of cancer. You can find more information in the following presentations:

genetic characteristics of gynecological and breast (in English)
Breast cancer (breast) cancer prevention
Diagnosis of cancer of the breast (breast)
Men with breast cancer are generally much which can be felt.

Male breast cancer or other conditions can cause the masses and the other characters. Talk to your doctor if you notice changes in your breasts.

In order to detect (find) and diagnose is the test of male breast cancer to consider used breasts.

You can use the tests and the following procedures:

History and physical examination: an examination of the body to control the general State of health and to identify signs of disease, such as music or anything else that seems unusual. data on the patient's health habits and the history of the disease and the treatments that are used in each case are taken also.
clinical examination of the breast (NDE): an examination of the breast by a doctor or other health care professional. The doctor feels completely 