Published 3:09:00 PM by



The American scientist Stanley Riddell and described the results of a therapy that could revolutionize cancer treatment in the future.

Using one's own immune system cells of patients with terminal cancer, Riddell and his colleagues managed, in one study, symptoms of the disease disappeared in 94% of cases.

But Riddell himself warned that this is a small study and there is a risk of side effects.

BBC World will explain what the new therapy, why it has generated so many expectations and what their limitations are.
Why you talk about a revolutionary therapy?

Riddell presented his research at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS for its acronym in English, which takes place in Washington.

The results of the work of the scientist, Center Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research in Seattle, recently will be published in detail in the coming months.

All studies involved patients with different types of blood cancer in an advanced stage.

In the most promising study, 35 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL acronym in English), 94% went into remission.

In other words, the symptoms disappeared, which does not mean that patients are cured.

In a second study with more than 40 lymphoma patients, 50% achieved remission.

And in a group of patients with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 80% responded to treatment, showing a reduction in symptoms.

"We are talking about patients in whom no treatment was no longer working. Most of our patients had a life expectancy of two to five months," Riddell said.
What is therapy?
Image copyright THINKSTOCK
Image caption therapy was used in different types of blood cancer, but not yet tested in solid tumors.

Treatment genetically engineered to immune system cells called lymphocytes T or T cells that coordinate cellular immune responses.

The scientists extracted cells from these patients and attached them receptor molecules that recognize target a specific type of cancer. The modified cells were then reintroduced into the patient.

The molecules are called antigens chimeric receptors, chimeric antigen receptors or CARs for its acronym in English, and reduce the cancer's ability to defend the immune system.

Cancer cells have clever to hide from lymphocytes or can completely overwhelm the immune system mechanisms.

"Essentially what this technique is genetically reprogrammed T cells to seek, recognize and destroy cancer cells," Riddell told the BBC.
Can you be serious side effects?

The main problem of this study was the risk of a serious side effect associated with excessive immune response.

Twenty patients developed symptoms of fever, hypotension, nausea and neurotoxicity associated with the storm called cytokines, cytokine release syndrome, SCRs for its acronym in English, a potentially fatal immune reaction defensive.

Seven patients required hospitalization in the intensive care unit and two died.
What other limitations does the therapy?

The Riddell himself warned that "there are reasons to be optimistic and reasons to be pessimistic".

One of the next steps will be to conduct further studies with lower doses of modified T cells to avoid the risk of side effects.
Image copyright THINKSTOCK
Image caption cancer cells in a case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The study of 35 patients with this disease achieved remission of 94%.

He also warned that it is still unclear how long patients remain in remission.

"We still have a long way to go. The cancer has recurred in some patients, but the data we have so far are unprecedented," Riddell said.

Studies have also limited to blood cancers and scientist now hopes to test the therapy in patients with solid tumors, such as breast cancer.

Alan Worsley, researcher at the British center Cancer Research UK, described the therapy as "a first step".

"This treatment looks promising in some types of blood cancer. But the real challenge will be to work in other cancers," Worsley told the BBC.

However, studies point to a paradigm shift in the fight against cancer, according to Riddell.

For the researcher of Seattle, "immunotherapy is finally a pillar of cancer therapy. As chemotherapy and radiotherapy, will not be a cure for all cases, but end up being applied in certain types of tumors of certain types patients. "
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Published 5:26:00 PM by


The genetics of tumors has the key to knitting as the personalized treatment for each patient. So far, in breast cancer, they were almost always and clinical criteria (pathologic analysis of tumor) biological (patient age, grade, and stage of the disease) which defined the risk of recurrence (recurrence) and decided convenience give a woman newly chemotherapy underwent surgery for breast cancer. The genetic study of neoplasms reserved for very specific cases where the biological results raised doubts to physicians when making the decision. However, the international study MINDACT, presented on Monday its first results of the American Association for Cancer Research, has certified the efficiency of genetic studies to decide whether to give chemotherapy or not to many patients. The investigation revealed that the genetic MammaPrint test is able to detect some tumors considered at high risk of recurrence according to traditional criteria, in fact, they are not, so it would not be necessary to supplement surgery with chemotherapy. Thus, the MammaPrint could reduce up to 14% cases that the chemical treatment is administered.

Genetic tests are not new in breast cancer. In fact, they have also studied their bonanzas to predicting the outcome of treatment. But what evidence this study is the effectiveness of the test to detect the risk of recurrence of tumors and their ability to avoid unnecessary chemotherapies. The Dr. Isabel Rubio explains: "We tried to compare the pathology of the tumor with the study of their genes to see which gave us more information about the tumor and how much you could save on chemotherapy. We analyzed tumor aggressiveness and risk of recurrence of the patient," head of the Breast Unit at Vall d'Hebron Hospital and spokesman for the cooperative group Solti, a medical group that coordinated the study in Spain. According to the latest report of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), breast cancer is the fourth most tumor incidence in Spain and the first women (25,215 new cases in 2012).

In the study, which involved 11 European hospitals (nine of them Spanish), 6,693 women who had undergone surgery for breast cancer they were recruited. The researchers assessed the risk of recurrence of the tumor from the two systems: on the one hand, the MammaPrint, which analyzes 70 genes of the tumor and on the other hand, the tool Adjuvant! Online, which calculates at risk of recurrence based on common clinical and biological criteria. The two evaluation systems agreed to catalog 2,745 women at low risk of recidivism and other 1,806 high risks. But dissension between the two tools emerged with 592 patients considered low risk according to the parameters of the Adjuvant! Online high recidivism for MammaPrint, and other 1,550 low risks for genetic and high test according to traditional criteria.

Of the 3,356 women who were classified according to traditional parameters such as patients at high risk of recurrence, treatment according to MammaPrint prescribing chemotherapy reduced by 46%. In the group of patients that the genetic test considered low risk and the traditional criteria of the high risk of recurrence, the study showed that the five-year survival without metastases exceeds 94%, regardless of whether they had received chemotherapy or not. "This research gives light to change clinical practice because it is a randomized study of high scientific evidence that the test can prevent many women undergo chemotherapy and its side effects and the result is just as good," says Rubio. Research the coming weeks will be published in a scientific journal.

Experts warn that does not work for all patients

Experts consulted agree that this study shows the effectiveness of a mechanism they already proved in clinical practice. "So far the genetic test we used it in very specific cases when we had serious doubts as to make decisions about treatment. But this is the future because it allows us to better classify patients and see which treatment is more convenient," said Dr. Maria Eulalia Fernandez, a specialist in gynecologic oncology and member of the Catalan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia. Dr. Cesar Rodriguez, spokesman for the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) ensures the effectiveness of this method "may deliver chemotherapy patients and all adverse effects" but points out that the niche you are targeting is limited to women intermediate risk. "It is for all patients because there are cases that only the results of the pathology are clear that they are at very high risk or low," the oncologist practicing in the Clinical Hospital Universitario de Salamanca. "This study reaffirms us something we already had quite clear. There were retrospective studies that claimed but prospective investigations needed to reaffirm what we do and in clinical practice is well," concludes Rodriguez.

But the MINDACT does not end here. This is just one of the legs of the larger project of research managed by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC in its acronym in English). "This study also impact the surgery because surgical treatments can analyze there so far and move towards more individualized treatment according to each case," Rubio advances. The MINDACT has a large biobank which will also study new biomarkers of disease. "The molecular study and gene profiles of the tumor are the future," concludes the researcher.
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Published 4:57:00 PM by


Analysts seeking to know why the cells are flexible if a much larger statement accidentally discovered the disease. During the execution of exploration, the group found that chemotherapy damages cells really useful and removes a protein Thusly back and strengthens the development of the tumor. Beyond that, it makes treatment more indifferent to the future of cancer. 

The study concluded that chemotherapy for cancer is terrible report their findings in the journal Nature Medicine, researchers report that the results were "completely unexpected." Find the confirmation of DNA damage examined the effects of chemotherapy on tissue taken from men with prostate problems, is a slap in the face for the important therapeutic association, which lobbied chemotherapy as a leading solution for patients malignancy over a long period.

The news comes after it was banned and suspended on the grounds that the drug test malignancy expensive work unrelated to tumors as well as a very bad tone. It was found that the growth of metastatic tumors drugs was  and was gigantic size after use. Therefore, patients still kill even faster.
Known as WNT16B, researchers conducting exploration say this protein produced by chemotherapy built malignancy and survival of cells are sufficient motivation behind chemotherapy why life faster. Co-creator Peter Nelson, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center in Seattle, said:
"The mystery WNT16B when they cooperate with nearby tumor cells and make it grow, attack and, above all, to reject the monitoring process."
The group welcomed the announcement in their own special words:
"Our results indicate that damage cells react may add generously ... specifically to modernize the energy of tumor development."
Meanwhile, the extremely modest substances like turmeric and ginger, which is reliable to reduce sustainably and combat the spread of tumor growth. In a study of 11 studies, we found that the use of turmeric reduces the space of a brain tumor in an astonishing 81%. Studies have also shown that curcumin can prevent the development of malignant cells completely. A newfound woman stands out as truly newsworthy of his triumph against the disease turmeric is used as basic condiments.

This accidental discovery was made by researchers, but also shows the lack of real science behind several drugs "in view of the old world," in light of the many welfare authorities may wish to accept. The reality of the situation is that the options are not equipped to receive funding as drugs and corrective interventions essentially arguing that there is no room for good. all random turmeric and vitamin D which is used for tumor (and far superior to fight disease), the actual pharmaceutical organizations would be lost.
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Published 4:52:00 PM by


We are in a constant struggle and in recent decades has shown promising advances against cancer disease. Million people a year are still dying for this cause, and many scientists have devoted themselves to solve the above-called

enigmas of this disease; today already solved riddles investigations are dedicated to finding a cure.
In this international week of the fight against cancer, we would like to dedicate this space to our courageous fighters and Cancer patients who survived and have their story to tell. They want one way or another to communicate their story and their experiences. As everyone agrees that prevention is to have a backup of life it is a very favorable alternative. Here their stories:
1c02Carolina L .: I am a lawyer and used to work hard to help my colleagues and resolve all possible cases in criminal matters. Always visited prisons to provide consultation prisoners often were innocent or many of them have family problems that led them to commit petty crimes and then came to these prisons with real criminals and became criminals high-risk themselves. It was a situation of madness that always caught my attention. Adrenaline motivated me to keep working and working. I graduated at age 23 and when I realized it was time to start a family and was 35 years old. They were relationships that none served and I went disappointingly of each of the candidates who came into my life to have a relationship. And one day I decided to freeze my eggs. I read some interesting articles about preserving germ cells by freezing and it was what I decided to do. I thought the find would use as the candidate. But what they found in me was a huge breast tumor. My grandmother had the same but did not think I could happen. Then I read a lot more and I found out that the disease runs in my family and came from the same genetic genetics of my grandmother and mother, so I had much chance of getting the disease. But no one had told me this before. There is information that my gynecologist gave me. I just read an article and so it was that when I got the news because I knew to do. I had to fulfill myself several chemotherapies and my doctors told me that a side effect would be sterile immediately. Then I understood everything. I understood that the freeze my eggs was a sign from God.
Gregory T .: I am an electrical engineer and I have 26 years. I have my regular partner and started looking children. I had to go to the doctor because I was asked to fulfill myself a semen and some tests where everything went wrong. I was then referred to a urologist and was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The doctor asked me start with chemotherapies immediately but first to freeze my semen because this procedure would leave me probably sterile. I froze my cum luckily and started my chemotherapy. Everything went well and my wife became pregnant with IUI. Those days met in the waiting room many patients suffering from the same but no one had advised them to freeze their semen. I thought it saved me from having to use a sperm donor to have frozen in time. What a relief. God pays the doctor who advised me to freeze my semen and thanks to science that helped me have my son who is now 3 years.
Y. 1c03Sandra: I have 39 years and would like to share my story with you. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer chemotherapies and start immediately. It was not advisable to use hormones because tumors feed on them. I started researching and I knew the freezing of ova and embryos. I went to a clinic where I was advised that I could freeze my embryos but required a hormone preparation that could worsen my cancer and it was my decision to do it or not. So I decided to go ahead and undergo hormone stimulation and we freeze embryos in December with my husband. The next day I started with chemotherapies and the doctor told me cancer had worsened. But every day I prayed to God for my improvement and because my kids were there waiting for me. So I steeled myself to do it and started to improve. Doctors were impressed with me. Every month spoke with the doctors of Fertiaguerrevere to tell he was getting better and please look after my babies. They told me that they were there waiting for me. Even once I went to visit and I wanted to tell you about my improvement. After nearly two years, my doctor told me I was ready to try it and I did, I put my embryos. I got pregnant and I have two beautiful babies.
Log tree is a mom after beating cancer and want them to know that I am a fighter and you have to learn that from me. Thanks to all my doctors and Fertiaguerrevere for all the advice and hours spent with me. The doctors love you.
Rosa B .: When no one told me I had cancer that was, as was the disease, treatment side effects brought far I was told it would be sterile after treatment. I went through 15 chemotherapies and three years later found the ideal partner to marry and have children. We tried for a year and then went to a fertility specialist. My shock was hearing that chemotherapy had the side effect of infertility in women. That woman is born with the eggs to be used in all our lives and that if we submit to that amount of chemicals these eggs die. I could not understand or process it. It was a tragedy for me. That injustice not to have heard of this and nobody ever I have mentioned. Not many doctors know this or not say. It took two more years to digest this condition. However, after I talked a lot with my husband we decided to use an egg donor to feel the baby inside me. I was pregnant and now have a beautiful baby that I feel is mine. immensely grateful to the donor egg in helping me make my dream of being a mother reality.
1c04En Fertiaguerrevere we have many cases and beautiful stories or some sad but full of courage. Congratulations to all patients who choose to fight and supported with their germ cells. Life situations can change dramatically from one day to another. The important thing is to fight and not give up. As our patients have achieved your dreams you can too. It's all about attitude.
All fight for this cause and we will offer support to these patients need both. We have the Oncofetal Foundation is dedicated to providing life support to patients with cancer. If you want to make your donation you can write through
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Published 4:50:00 PM by


Questions that people make about cancer

People it is difficult to know what is true for cancer because there are many rumors and myths about this disease. In this article, we discuss the answers to some common qu
estions that people have about cancer. If you want to learn more about how cancer arises and spreads, see our document What is cancer? If you have any questions that have not been discussed in this article, call one of our specialists in cancer information at 1-800-227-2345 or visit We have the data you need.

How common is cancer?
About half of all men and one-third of all women in the United States develop cancer at some point in their lives.

The risk of developing most types of cancer can be reduced by changes in the lifestyle of the person, for example, stay away from stuff, limit the time of exposure to sunlight, exercise, and a healthy diet.

In addition, they can be screened for some cancers so that can be found as soon as possible (while small and before it spreads). In general, the earlier the cancer is found and treatment begins, the greater the chance of living for many years.

Who can have cancer?
Each year more than half of new cases of cancer and are diagnosed million. Anyone can develop cancer at any age, but the risk increases as we age. Around 78% of all cancer cases are diagnosed in people 55 years or older. Cancer can occur in all ethnic and racial population of US groups although the incidence rate varies from one group to another.

How many people who are alive today have ever had cancer?
Today, nearly 14.5 million people in the United States have suffered some type of cancer and are still alive. Some of these people no longer have cancer; while others still suffer from the disease.

In years past, most people who had cancer did not live long, but this is no longer true. Each year, more and more people survive cancer. This is especially the case for children with cancer and those whose cancers were found early before they propagate.

Survival rates are different for people with different types of cancer. Some cancers grow very slowly. Some respond well to treatment. Others develop and spread faster, being more difficult to treat. If you know someone who has cancer, remember that what happens to that person can be very different from what happens to someone with another type of cancer.

What are the causes of cancer?
Things people do

Some cancers are caused by habits of people or things that are exposed themselves. For example, consumption of snuff can cause lung, mouth, throat, kidney and bladder cancer, and many other organs. Of course, not all people who smoke suffer from cancer but significantly increases the risk. It also increases the likelihood of heart and blood vessel diseases.

Also, spend a lot of time in the sun without protection can cause skin cancer. Melanoma is a very serious form of skin cancer associated with exposure to sunlight and tanning beds.

Other things to which people are exposed

Radiation can cause cancer. For example, people exposed to radiation leakage (also known as fallout) have a higher risk of cancer than those who were not exposed. Rarely, radiation treatment for cancer can cause other cancers that arise many years later. It is for this reason that doctors and dentists use the lowest dose of radiation possible on radiographs and imaging (much less than the dose used to treat cancer).

In addition, certain chemicals have been associated with cancer. Exposure to these chemicals or working with them can increase a person's risk of cancer. Call us to learn more about carcinogens (substances that cause cancer) that may be near you, or read the section "Other carcinogens" of our website.

Genes among families

About 5 to 10% of all cancer cases are related to genes inherited from the parents.


No one knows the exact cause of most cases of cancer. We know that certain changes in our cells cause cancer from developing, but still do not know exactly how this happens. Scientists are studying this problem and learning more about the many steps that occur for cancers to form and grow. Read the section What causes cancer? on our website to learn more about what has been linked to this disease.

If you are interested in taking steps to help reduce your risk of cancer, read "Can I prevent cancer?".

Can injuries cause cancer?
It is a common myth that injuries can cause cancer. The reality is that falls, bruises, bone fractures and other injuries have not been associated with cancer. It could be that sometimes a person consults your doctor for something he considered to be an injury and then discover cancer, but the injury did not cause cancer; cancer already existed. It also happens that sometimes a person will remember an injury that happened to him long ago in the place where he was diagnosed with cancer.

Rarely, burn scars can be the site where cancer develops many years after the burn has healed. Most often skin cancer is cancer that begins in a burn scar.

Can stress cause cancer?
Much research has been done to see if there is any connection between personality, stress, and cancer. There is no scientific evidence that personality or perspective of a person affects the risk of cancer.

Many factors analyze the relationship between cancer and stress. It is known that stress affects the immune system, as well as many other factors, can affect it. Despite many studies, the relationship between psychological stress and cancer has not been demonstrated. In analyzing the studies that have been conducted, it seems that sometimes contradict each other.

For example, in a large Danish study, people who reported high magnitude stressors in their lives did not appear to have a significantly increased risk of any cancer. Another study that looked at women with stressors of great magnitude in their lives such as divorce or death of a loved one reported a slight increase (about one-third higher than the average) in the risk of breast cancer compared with women without these stressors. In the area of everyday stress agents, another study reported an increased risk of breast cancer associated with stress. Yet another study reported that women who reported more everyday stress were actually less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer within the next 18 years.

It is difficult to explain these differences. Maybe some are related to groups that were studied while others may be due to the way the study was conducted. Chance also may have been an influential factor. Everything so far can say is that not found a definite association between stress and cancer risk.

What are the risk factors for cancer?
A risk factor is one that is linked to your chance of getting a disease such as cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. For example, exposing skin to strong sunlight is a risk factor for skin cancer, but is not associated with colon cancer. Some risk factors can actually cause cancer while others may simply be more common in people with cancer. For example, age alone does not cause cancer but is a risk factor.

However, risk factors do not tell us everything. Having a risk factor, or even many do not mean a person will develop cancer. Some people with one or more risk factors never develop the disease, while others who have cancer showed no known risk factors. Even if a patient has a risk factor is diagnosed with cancer, there is no way to prove that the risk factor really was what caused cancer.

There are different types of risk factors. Some, such as age or race of the person, can not be changed. Others are related to environmental carcinogenic factors. In addition, there are risk factors related to personal, such as smoking actions. Some factors have more influence on the risk than others, and a person's risk of cancer may change over time due to factors such as aging or lifestyle. (Read "What causes cancer?" For more information).

Some of the major risk factors for cancer that can be controlled:

Snuff consumption
Physical activity
Alcohol consume
Sun exposure
environmental exposures such as radon, lead and asbestos
Exposure to infections such as hepatitis, HPV and HIV.
Overall, it is estimated that 75% to 80% of all cancer cases in the United States is related to environmental factors, broadly defined to include the use of snuff, diet, obesity, exposure to sunlight and infectious diseases, as well as chemicals and radiation.

Is cancer contagious?
In the time past, people were often someone who had cancer went because they were afraid of "trapping". But cancer is not like influenza (flu) or a cold. You can not get from someone who already has it. You do not get cancer if left near or touch someone with cancer. Do not be afraid to visit someone with cancer; they need your support and that of their families and friends.

You can get more details in our document Is cancer contagious ?.

Can we prevent cancer?
There is no sure way to prevent cancer, but you can take steps to help reduce your chances of suffering.


Many cancers could be prevented if people did not use snuff.

The practice of smoking causes a brutal deterioration in almost all organs of the body, the statistics indicate that accounts for about 30% of all cancer deaths. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes and snuff, snuff for oral use, pure and all these variants can cause cancer and should never be used .The Main option for people who smoke snuff is to stop or learn to quit. serious scientific studies have demonstrated conclusively that people who have quit or have never smoked are less likely to have cancer, otherwise what happens to those who persist in doing.

It is best to never use snuff altogether and stay away from secondhand smoke.

To learn more about this topic, read "How to stay away from snuff".


It has been shown that alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer, at least certain kinds of them.

Some people believe that certain types of alcohol are safer than others. However, ethanol is the type of alcohol found in all alcoholic beverages, whether beer, wine or spirits (distilled spirits). In general, the amount of alcohol consumed over time, not the type of drink, which seems to be the most important in increasing cancer risk factor.

If you drink alcohol, limit your intake to no more than two drinks per day for men and one a day for women. This can help limit your risk of cancer. You can get more information in our document Alcohol Use and Cancer.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages and snuff

Consumption of alcoholic beverages along with snuff products increases the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx and esophagus much more than the individual effects of each alone.

ultraviolet sunlight (UV) and

You can reduce your chances of developing skin cancer if:

By having direct prolonged exposure to sunlight for a period of 10 to 16 hours:
Wear a hat, shirt and silent.
Use sunscreen with a sun safety factor (SPF) of 30 or more.
In Solarium or lamps.
throughout the region resulted in the presentation that day and the rays of clear light on our website for more information on the relationship between the introduction of light rays and skin tumors and understand how you want to be your friends in the local and family against evil skin these rays.
support for
We are aware that livelihoods are linked to some predictions, although the exact reasons are not yet clear. The best data suggesting a reduced risk of cancer in people who:
Eating green grapes food or new vehicles (not less than 2 ½ cups a day).
Choose whole grains instead of refined grains and sugars.
Limit red meat (hamburgers, pork and lamb).
Limit processed meats (such as bacon, beef, sausage and organized).
Nutrition spent're keeps running and a healthy weight.
Limit alcohol to one drink or less per day for women and two drinks per day for men.
We have a lot of data on living conditions and physical action may influence the risk of disease. Call or visit our website for more information.
Vaccination, reducing disease risk
We now know that the cause of the disease of most infections, the party, some types of cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV for short) is an infection that is clearly related to malignancy. This infection was cervical cancer in combination, centered on the butt of genital malignancy growth and even many head and neck tumors. (Ran HPV and cancer subtle elements).
There are two vaccines to combat HPV-related diseases that cause these infections should prevent malignant tumors. In any case, most adults are already infected with HPV, and the antibodies were not informed people who have HPV. If young people who have not been sexually dynamic, sometimes on the road, when they have a lower risk of malignancy of these antibodies before submission to HPV. The American Cancer Society, the vaccine for girls 11 and 12 years old, created despite the fact that it can be applied to girls and adolescents aged 9 years. For more information, read the HPV vaccines.
early detection
For early detection of the disease, so it is a bit, and before it spreads, adults should test called intermittent suffers tumor. These tests help professionals discover regularly tumors before they cause side effects. For example, early detection routine breast, colon, rectum, neck, mouth and skin ID. If the disease is detected early, it can be easily treated. In addition, the survival of which they are usually higher with the organization at the beginning of the tumor. Talk to your partner about this test can be a good option for you.
You can learn more about the advances that take can take to find the tumor at an early stage in our report on guidelines for rapid location of the American Cancer Society more.
As he discussed evil?
The characters and the page displayed by a man effects is not enough to know if they have a disease or not. (For more information on this topic read the signs of the disease and effects). If your specialist suspects that you have a malignant tumor requires proof, such as X-rays, blood tests or a biopsy. In general, the best way to ensure growth biopsy.
For some lump or abnormal area biopsy performed complementary and sent to a research center. Cells appear to an expert in the diagnosis of infection instrument specialist (pathologist) with a magnifying glass, in which tumor cells to see. If cell growth, the expert tried to understand what kind of tumor is and how it could develop quickly.
Imaging studies can evaluate the extent of disease and, in some cases, if spread to surrounding tissues. In addition, blood tests allow the recovery of their data, the welfare of the general data on the functioning of its organs and tumors of the blood.
How is the growth?
The three main types of treatment of malignant tumors are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. A man with a malignant tumor can get everything or other material. the study of disease discuss with the patient all treatment alternatives. It is imperative to call an investment option to consider. With a treatment plan that you have the main rule of the elements of the type and stage (quantity) of the disease. conceivable considering the approach of different treatment variables reactions wide for the state of animal welfare, and have a chance to heal disease control for life or on the peaceful side effects.


Surgery is often the first treatment if the tumor can be removed from the body. Sometimes you can only remove part of cancer. Before or after surgery, it can be used to reduce radiation or chemotherapy cancer.

For more information, see our document, Surgery: A Guide for Patients and their families.


Doctors use chemotherapy drugs or "chemo" to fight cancer cells. Usually, the drugs are given by mouth or intravenously (IV or into a vein). The drugs travel throughout the body through the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells that have spread from the tumor.

For more information on chemotherapy and its side effects, see our document, A Guide chemotherapy.


Radiation therapy is a treatment that uses high-energy rays (such as x-rays) to kill or shrink cancer cells. The radiation may come from outside the body (external radiation) or from radioactive materials placed into the tumor (internal radiation or implant). External radiation therapy is very similar to undergo an X-ray. Painless, but can cause side effects.

For more information, see the Radiation Therapy: A Guide for Patients and their families.

Other types of cancer treatment

Other types of treatment which may hear about include targeted therapy, transplantation of bone marrow or stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy. Hormone therapy is another treatment that is sometimes used to treat certain types of breast and prostate cancers.

What are the side effects of cancer treatment?
The type of treatment a person receives depends on the type and stage (extent) of cancer, your age, overall health, medical history and personal preferences. Every drug or treatment plan has different side effects. It is difficult to predict what side effects a person might present; even when people receive the same treatment, these may have different side effects. Some side effects can be severe and another lighter. It's true that some people have a tough time with cancer treatment, but many others deal with their treatment quite well. Moreover, most of the side effects of treatment can be treated.

Side effects of chemotherapy

The short-term side chemotherapy (often treatable) effects can include nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, hair loss and mouth ulcers. Because chemotherapy can damage the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow, patients may present low blood cell counts. This can cause:

Increased risk of infections (due to low white blood cells).
Bleeding or bruising after minor cuts or injuries (decreased platelets).
Anemia (due to low red blood cell count), which can cause fatigue, shortness of breath, pale skin, among other symptoms.
(To learn more about blood counts and what they mean, see our document entitled Your lab tests).

Teams cancer care work closely with patients to control the side effects of chemotherapy. Most side effects of chemotherapy disappear once treatment is completed. For example, the hair that fell during treatment grows back when treatment ends. Almost all patients wear wigs, hair bandanas (scarves or scarves) or hats during this period to protect and conserve the heat of the head.

Side effects of radiation

Treatment with radiation like x-rays and painless. The most common are skin irritation and fatigue. Such fatigue is a feeling of extreme exhaustion and low energy that is not relieved by rest. Often it lasts for several weeks after stopping treatment. Other side effects may also occur, depending on the body part being treated.

Is it worse than cancer treatment itself?
This is a belief that can be dangerous for many people. Believing that the treatment is worse than cancer, people may not receive treatment that can save their lives.

It is easy to understand the origin of why he has this belief. Often, people diagnosed with early stage cancer showed no further symptoms or conditions, or any problems that came to show could have been smaller. In the initial stages of cancer, the symptoms are usually minor, if any, and is often up after treatment starts when people start to feel bad. In addition, it is true that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery can cause side effects. However, these side effects go away after treatment and this can save the lives of many people.

The person who is considering refusing treatment against cancer should talk with your doctor to clearly understand the likely results both receiving treatment and not to receive it before making the decision.

If cancer is allowed to progress without treatment, symptoms worsen and new symptoms last time accumulate. The symptoms are different depending on the type of cancer and locations where it spreads. Later in the course of the disease, when more severe symptoms begin to emerge, curative treatment may not be an option. Cancer causes death when invades vital organs (such as the intestines, lungs, brain, liver, and kidneys), and interferes with the body's functions that are necessary to live. The cancer is not treated usually causes death.

In contrast, cancer treatment often saves lives, especially when the cancer is detected and treated early. Even in cases when you can not cure cancer, treatment can often prolong life. In addition, medical care can always be used to help relieve discomfort in a person by reducing pain and other symptoms. It is important that a person knows the goal of each course of treatment, and make decisions based on information throughout the experience related to cancer.

There are times when every person who receives cancer treatment questions its commitment to the difficult period of treatment and its side effects. Sometimes it becomes discouraged because of the uncertainty of treatment and think if they really worth. This is normal. It may be helpful to know that doctors are always learning better ways to collaborate with patients to manage side effects. And remember that every year come advances in cancer treatments.

What is remission?
Some people consider referral means that it has cured cancer, but this is not always the case. Remission is a period of time in which the cancer is responding to treatment or is under control. In a state of complete remission, all signs and symptoms of cancer disappear and it is not possible to detect cancer cells by any of the available evidence. It is also possible that a patient has a state of partial remission, which means that cancer has reduced, but not completely disappeared. Remissions can last from several weeks to several years. Complete remissions can go on for years and may eventually deem that the person was cured. If cancer comes back (recurs), another remission may occur with further treatment.

How to get more information?
More information from the American Cancer Society

Below is information that could be useful. You can also order free copies of our documents by calling our toll-free, 1-800-227-2345, or you can read them on our website

Living with cancer

After Diagnosis: A Guide for Patients and their families

Coping with cancer in daily life

When you know someone who has cancer

What is cancer?

Listen with your heart

When someone you know has cancer

When someone at work has cancer

How to Be a Friend to Someone With Cancer

Risk factors, prevention and early detection of cancer

Guides of the American Cancer Society nutrition and physical activity for cancer prevention

Known and Probable Human Carcinogens

Guides of the American Cancer Society for early cancer detection

Signs and symptoms of cancer

Cancer treatment

A guide chemotherapy

Surgery: A Guide for Patients and their families

Radiation Therapy: A Guide for Patients and their families

Stem cell transplantation (autologous peripheral blood, bone marrow and cord blood)

Targeted Therapy

Cancer Immunotherapy

In addition to these documents, the American Cancer Society has information on many different types of cancer and its treatments. Contact us to get the specific information you need.

No matter who you are, we can help. Contact us for information and support. Call us at 1-800-227-2345 or visit
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